Friday, April 21, 2006


Gassy Boat

An interesting story is our team’s obsession with needing to go to the bathroom. It got to the point that in the morning, shortly before we would take the boat down, I would have to make a final pee/poop call. Well this is all well and good, but it did very little for the farting that occurred in the boat. Lovely old ripe ones that stank. Of course for the rowers this isn't a problem because they row away from it as opposed to me who has to row INTO it. Yuck. This go to be such a big problem that I started to listen for the fart sound or the rowers would warn me and I would close my mouth and hold my breath. This worked pretty well for a while till one morning the stroke was having some real bad ones. We had stopped so that we could do a start, and while we were sitting at three quarter slide she proceeds to lift her cheek letting one rip (that vibrated the boat) and then stern pair to a small stroke leaving me to SIT IN IT!!! This was a new kind of fresh and I tried holding my breath. But I had to call the start and as I went to inhale to yell I got a nice big mouthful that made me choke and start coughing. Needlessly to say they started with me still coughing away in the cox spot. Isn't that nice?
As told by Diane Seaver

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