Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Bridge + Panic = Crash

Glasses, an interesting character, and not the greatest coxswain, is the start of my story. Glasses was an indecisive coxswain. When there was something in the river in front of the boat, Glasses would just sit there and say, "Um, Um, Um, shit, Um, Um, well....” And then you inevitably hit whatever was in the river. Glasses never really knew how to steer around objects, or rather he lacked the ability to handle the situation. So one morning our coach, Clark, asked Glasses to row down river but to turn around before the Jefferson Rd. Bridge. The current was strong and getting especially fast around the bridge. Glasses attempted to spin the boat before the bridge but the current caught the side of the boat. This forced the boat into the bridge even faster. Glasses panicked, and then the rest of the boat panicked. We tried to pull our oars in, but this caused the boat to tip to one side. Then the water hit the full side of the boat and finished pushing us into the bridge. The water started to rush in on one side and forced the boat to stay leaning to one side against the pillar. At this point the boat cracked. Those who could, got out and swam to the shore. Those who couldn’t, hang on to the pile of sticks and debris already around the pillar. Panic really set in now. Finally, our coach came with her boat to get the men out of the water. Eventually the boat did split in half. After some time, a week or so, we rowed down to see that half of the boat had drifted away from the bridge. The remaining portion was only visible by the metal riggers popping out of the water.
As told by the Varsity Men

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